
For the first issue of the magazine, we have invited several artists to explore the concept of mimesis through the figure of the doppleganger. Sometimes you can see reflected in the mirror something that you can't see from your position, a reflection has enough power.

Visible is in crisis.

I guess we are the dopplegang.

Featuring: Ahren Warner, Alejandro Madrid, Alexandra Liesse, Alvariviry, Camila Gb, Cecilia, Sebastián de Erice, Chaeri Kim, Claudia Laverack, Fatou Seck, Guia Haus, Ismael López Portilla, Josepha Edbauer, Julia Runggaldier, Lucci Garcia, Lucía Lomas, Luis Calvo, Luis Calvo + Carlota Ferreiro + Sierra + Gadea Evans + Tere Segovia, Maite de Orbe, Ozziline Mercedes, Raúl Galán Hurtado, Sammy Loren, Sofia Sohr, Suzannah Pettigrew, Uchercie, Viper Blond.

This magazine was born with the purpose of exploring our relationship with images from different perspectives. So far so good, every time we create we generate small extensions of ourselves, we are made of images. We imagine words, we generate new images. Writing is strange at times, looking is also strange and you get tired of both. We don’t worry much about looking because we look all the time, on autopilot. Although things change depending on how we look at them.